Certified Dental Technician
Completed my education as a dental technician in Italy, 2013.
SmileFy instructor in both English and Italian. Smilefy support and sales
representative for Europe.
Certified Exocad Expert.
Specialized in 3D design workflows and facially guided dental visagism


Full Name: Mihaela Carmina Braicau
Date of birth: March 20th, 1993
Citizenship: Romanian

Company Owner

EUID: ROONRC.J38/91/2020
Registered Office: Str Principala nr 100, Judet Valcea, Romani


Professional Institute of State for Industry and Crafts “G. Plana,” Turin, Italy.
Graduate Date: January 24th, 2013.
Honours Diploma in Dental Technician studies.
Thesis: “All-on 4 treatment concept”


Certified Smilefy Instructor in 2021, Miami USA.
Certified Exocad Expert Level, in 2021 Madrid, Spain.
Certified DSDApp Instructor, 2019, Miami USA.
Certified Exocad course – Intermediate Level, in Feb 2017 Shenzhen, China.
Certificate in Malocclusions and Orthodontic appliances both active and passive,
completed in dental school – 2012, Turin Italy.


Became a Certified SmileFy Instructor, in both English and Italian, Miami
USA, January 2021
Became a Certified Exocad Expert – Personalized Exocad Training Course with
Juan Carlos Palma, CEO of DentalCAD Aacademy, in Spain.
– CDT SmileFy Consultant, part of the Customer Support Team and Sales
Representative for both Europe and US.
– Specialized in 3D design workflows and facially guided dental visagism.
– SmileFy Instructor of the Smile Designer Certification Online course.
– In charge of the Design4me Service and the Smile Designers Team.
– Lectured Smilefy Workshop together with Dr. Diogo Alves at the Ident 2022
Congress in Timisoara, Romania
– Presented 2 days SmileFy Workshop in London with Dr. Diogo Alves in
collaboration with the BACA – British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
– Help by testing new solutions, features and digital workflows with the SmileFy


Introduction to AI – Facially Guided digital Mock-ups.”
“Introduzione AI – Mock-up Digitali guidati dal viso” in Italian
“ Online Workshop Master in Digital Dentistry; I limiti della pianificazione
tradizionale e come implementare Smilefy.” In Collaboration with Univeristy of
Brescia, 1st Edition in Digital Dentistry, 2021.
Master in Digital Dentistry; The limits of traditional planning and how to
implement Smilefy. Presented with Dr. Diogo Alves “
“ Create 3D In-office Digital Mock-ups powered by AI”
“The Backward Treatment Plan – Start with the final esthetic results in mind.”
Ref: SmileFy – CEO Ralph Georg, CEO Tatjana Georg / Email: –
Ref: DentalCAD Academy, Madrid, Spain – Tel: +34 627 16 12 99 – email: –

Became a Certified Smile Designer and a DSDApp Instructor, 2019, USA
November 2019 – January 2021

Started my collaboration with the DSDApp by Coachmam as Dental Technician
consultant, integration consultant and support manager;
– Consult dental digital workflows between dentist – laboratory
– Provide implementation consulting for the DSDApp customers
– Collaborate with a team to define best workflows solutions
– Provide support service for the DSDApp customers all over the world.
– Help by testing new solutions, features and workflows of the DSDApp.


Principles of Smile Design.”
“How to approach your next patient for a cosmetic treatment using smile
“Artificial Inteligence in Digital Dentistry – Shifting from analog to digital
“The Backward Treatment Plan – Start with the final esthetic results in mind”
“I Principi dello Smile Design” – Workshop in Italian
Ref: DSDApp by Coachman –

Dental Technician and Asistant Manager – SC ALCADENT DENTAL HEALTH

Specialization internship at ALCADENT LTD in Shenzhen, China
Between 21.02.2017 – 28.04.2017
– Received the certification for completing the Exocad course.
– Learned every step of the laboratory workflow and carried out all the entrusted
stages of the dental technique works.
– After returning from Shenzen ALCADENT Laboratory, I was in charge of the
laboratory activity both from an administrative and from a technical point of view
in Bucharest;
– Communication with dentists in Bucharest, between Oradea laboratory and
Shenzhen Laboratory in order to carry out the parts of the entrusted dental
– Collaboration and comunication mainly with DentalMed Luxury Dental Clinic
and Dental Profile Clinic in Bucharest to ensure premium dental services.
– Ensure all the steps regarding the sending / taking over of the packages in the
country and abroad.
– Keep records of the works taken over / handed over in the laboratory.
– Monitoring the work of junior employees.
– Setting up, cast models, special trays and bite blocks.
– Extensive knowledge of tooth morphology and anatomy.
– Create digital design projects with Exocad for zirconia monolithic, full arch upper
and lower, single/ reduced crowns and bridges.
– Build up ceramic crowns with Noritake CZR and HeraCeram for veneers
– Correcting/ repairing dental ceramic works received back from dentists in
Bucharest, from Oradea or Shenzhen laboratory.
– Stain and glaze ceramic works as well as for temporary acrylic dentures.
Ref: ALCADENT DENTAL HEALTH SRL. Address: Drumul Sarii Nr. 19 B, Bucharest –
TEL: 004 0773 873 941 – Registry No. J05/918/20

Dental Technician

Laboratory of Zeolla Mario – Turin, Italy
February 2013 – April 2015
– Read prescriptions, made appointments, and checked impressions in order to
decide the design of dental products to be constructed and casted models with
every kind of plaster.
– Set up models in the articulator.
– Made and shaped wax teeth (Wax-up, Emax) utilizing small hand tools with
great precision.
– Mixed plaster and acrylic pastes; poured materials into molds or over
frameworks in order to form dental prosthesis or apparatus.
– Constructs and repairs dentures and other dental appliances.
– Removed surplus metal and polished porcelain and surfaces of prostheses or
frameworks; utilized polishing machines.
Ref: Laboratorio Odontotecnico di ZEOLLA MARIO – CORSO GALILEO FERRARIS 118
10129 – TORINO (TO) Tel: 0115097192 – Partita IVA: 0627432001


Dental Technician Laboratory Practice – G Plana – Turin, Italy
February 2009 – February 2013
– Began my laboratory practices working in the dental school laboratory.
– Started developing the necessary skills to work effectively in a dental
technician role.
– Did community service outreach and restored or repaired different types of work
for dentures in the dental school Laboratory.
Ref: Istituto Istruzione Superiore Giovanni Plana – Torino. Address: Piazza
Generale Carlo Di Robilant 5 10141 Turin, Piedmont, Italy


Carry out all the entrusted stages of the dental laboratory activity both from an
administrative and technical point of view.
– Extensive knowledge of CAD/CAM dental design softwares like, Smilefy
ExoCad, Mesh Mixer Smile Cloud and DSD Hands-on App).
– Specialized in 3D design workflows and facially guided dental visagism.
– Ability to effectively communicate as an Instructor and to learn quickly.
– Striving for excellence, great attention to details.
– Capable of adapting to obstacles and stresfull situations.
– Very organized
– PC knowledge and Mac platforms (Word processing, Excell, Keynote, Zoom
platform, Canva, Loom).


Romanian – Native
• Italian – Native
• American English – Fluent both written and spoken.
• Spanish – Conversational
• Brazilian Portuguese – Beginner
• German—Beginner


Artificial Inteligence in Digital Dentistry
Facially driven functional digital design in daily practice
Face and Smile Analysis – Smile Makeover
Education and learning in Digital Dentistry
Public Speaker


Phisycs and Space
Yoga & Gardening – Self discipline
Music & Art
S.R.L – Bucharest, Romania
February 2017 – January 202



Board Member Digital Dentistry Society

Certified DSD Instructor

CEO and Founder of Digital Smile Academy

Dental Consultant

Membership of General Dental Surgery (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh)

Fellowship in Laser Dentistry (University of Genova-Italy) 

Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists

Previous Assistant MRD course director (Future University in Egypt)


Dr. Mahmoud Ezzat received his BDS degree from the Faculty of Dental Medicine at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt in 2002.

He then attended a four year training program by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and received their membership degree in General Dental Surgery (MGDS RCSEd) in 2008.

He then participated in the Membership in Restorative Dentistry (MRD) speciality training program supervised by the Royal College at Misr University, for his remarkable performance he was invited to become an instructor at this same program.

In 2011 he was appointed Deputy MRD course director at Future University in Egypt for their postgraduate speciality program.

He is the founder of the Diploma in Implant Dentistry training program in Egypt awarded by the Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

In 2013 he attained a Fellowship degree in Laser dentistry from the University of Genova Italy and has been lecturing on the subject ever since.

In 2015 he attended several International DSD World tours and has reached the DSD Master level in DSD accreditations (1st DSD Master in Egypt)

In August 2015 he co-lectured the DSD World Tour in Cairo, Egypt with DSD Founding Members Christian Coachman and Livio Yoshinaga and was elected DSD Lecturer.

In 2016 he became an active member DSD International board as DSD Middle East Manager lecturing with Christian Coachman in the DSD Middle East Tour.

In 2018 he was elected president of Digital Dentistry Society (Arab Union) responsible for all arab speaking countries in the region.

In 2019 he was elected as a board member of Digital Dentistry Society.

He is the editor of the Fixed prosthodontics chapter and author of the Digital occlusion section in textbook (Digital Dentistry Science and Clinics)

Key opinion leader & Lecturer for many international companies as: 3shape, Lyra ETK, Nemotech, Allied star & Tekscan

He now lectures internationally on all aspects of Digital Dentistry mostly in Europe & The Middle East & runs a 1 year international Digital course (Digital Esthetic Mastership) keeps a full time private practice in Cairo and Bahrain specializing in Digital Esthetic and Implant dentistry since 2004.

Introduction to Digital Restorative Dentistry

Transforming Dentistry Through Technology

Digital restorative dentistry has revolutionized the way we approach patient care, diagnosis, and treatment planning. By integrating cutting-edge technology into our practices, we enhance precision, efficiency, and patient outcomes. Let’s explore the key aspects of this exciting field:

1. Understanding Digital Restorative Dentistry

Digital restorative dentistry encompasses a range of digital tools and techniques used in prosthodontics, restorative dentistry, and orthodontics. These technologies empower clinicians to create highly accurate and esthetic restorations while minimizing chair time